While there was a snowstorm forcing many closures across St. John’s on Valentine’s Day, our Outreach and Youth Engagement Centre is committed to offering their "Self-Love, Safe Sex!" event that was scheduled for that day. On Thursday, March 23rd, our Outreach and Youth Engagement program is offering a “Self-Love, Safe Sex!” event at our Outreach Centre (12-16 Carters Hill Place). The event will run from 1:00pm – 3:00pm for youth ages 16-29.
CFY is joining forces with community partners to offer a hot meal, safe sex supplies, sex education, healthy relationship and prevention information, as well as onsite STI testing. Spend the day feeling supported and loved by CFY, ACNL, Planned Parenthood, Our Pleasure, and Eastern Health.
For more information, please contact the Outreach and Youth Engagement Program Coordinator – Shawn Mercer at smercer@choicesforyouth.ca
