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The Government of Newfoundland & Labrador declared at Public Health Emergency (PHE) on March 18th, 2020. Please use page as a reference as needed. All materials are sourced and have also been linked for additional information.
Public Health Emergency - Orders
As per Gov NL a PHE has been implemented. Individuals and businesses are required by law to obey the following Orders:
Gatherings of more than 5 people are prohibited.
Anyone arriving to Newfoundland and Labrador from outside the province is required to:
Self-isolate for 14 days after their arrival. See the April 22 Exemption Order for a listing of those exempt from self-isolation requirements while working;
Complete and submit a declaration form to a Government of Newfoundland and Labrador representative at their point of entry to the province, including those arriving in a motor vehicle from Quebec;
Provide specifics of their plan for complying with the requirement to self-isolate for 14 days; and
Be available for contact with public health officials during the duration of the 14-day self-isolation period.
Anyone who arrived in Newfoundland and Labrador since March 29, 2020 from the oil sands camp located at Kearl Lake, Alberta must self-isolate for 14 days immediately upon arrival in the province. If they have not already done so, these individuals must also immediately contact 811 for appropriate follow up.
Employers of workers arriving from out of the country must provide specifics of their plan to a representative of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador to ensure these workers are able to comply with the requirement to self-isolate for 14 days following their arrival to the province.
All individuals who are self-isolating must stay on their own property and cannot go for a drive, unless it is to receive medical attention.
Those self-isolating in an apartment or condominium building must stay in their own unit and are not permitted to go in common areas of the building.
Funerals, visitations and wakes are prohibited. Burials and weddings are limited to 5 people, including the officiant.
Retail stores that do not provide services essential to life, health or personal safety of individuals and animals are to close. Retail stores that are permitted to remain open are not permitted to sell scratch or break open lotto tickets in store.
Visitation to personal care homes is prohibited, unless for exceptional circumstances including end of life.
Operators of personal care homes and long term care facilities are prohibited from permitting staff to work across multiple personal care home and long term care facility locations, unless required in exceptional circumstances and where an exemption has been granted.
Campsites in municipal and privately owned parks are permitted to remain open only for those individuals who are permanent residents of the campsite and who have no other residence. All other campsites in municipal and private parks are to close immediately. Those that are not open are prohibited from opening.
All private health clinics are to close, except those of physicians and nurse practitioners. A clinician may open their clinic only to provide urgent or emergent services.
Other facilities that must close include:
gyms and fitness facilities, including yoga studios, tennis and squash facilities;
dance studios;
performance spaces;
personal service establishments, including spas, personal services establishments including spas, esthetic services, hair salons, body piercing, tattooing and tanning salons;
businesses that hold a license under the Liquor Control Act whose primary purpose is the consumption of beer, wine, or spirits;
bingo halls; and,
restaurants for in-person dining (take-out, delivery and drive-thru options are still permitted)
Public Health Emergency - Enforcement & Conviction
A person found in breach of these orders could face a fine of $500 to $2,500, or jail time up to 6 months, or both a fine and jail time. A corporation found in breach of these orders could face a fine of $5,000 to $50,000. The RNC and RCMP have the authority to issue summary offence tickets to those acting contrary to orders issued under the Public Health Protection and Promotion Act.
The Government has also prepared a useful FAQ page that may answer some of the nuanced questions that we’ve all. I’d encourage you to read through it, as it provides answers to great questions like “My 19-year-old child is still gathering with friends and not abiding by the social distancing recommendation. What can I do?”
Additional amendments may be made to the PHE to include stricter measures and orders - this page will be updated accordingly. In the meantime, we encourage you to stay updated with accurate information via the Government of NL website and Government of Canada website.