statement of principles
Support for youth and emerging adults in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Change is coming to Newfoundland and Labrador as many of our social support systems shift how they interact with youth and emerging adults. We, the undersigned, agree that the following core principles, which incorporate and build on the principles of Housing First for Youth, should be consistent across our work. This means consistency across all systems and organizations that support youth and emerging adults, and particularly within systems and organizations supporting youth who are more likely to be marginalized. This includes Indigenous, racialized, and LGBT2SQIA+ youth and youth with disabilities as well as those facing mental health challenges, addictions, family breakdown, and involvement with the child protection or criminal justice systems.
1. Recognize the distinct needs of young people and emerging adults
Systems of support and how they are delivered must be strengths-based and aligned with the unique ways children, youth, and emerging adults function, think, and interact.
2. Reduce barriers
All organizations have a responsibility to identify barriers to access (including administrative barriers such as wait times and hours, policy barriers such as age limits, as well as cultural and geographic barriers) and work to eliminate them. Programs should be flexible, needs-based, and culturally appropriate for the young people they serve.
3. Focus on prevention
Interventions with children and youth should be prioritized, made as early as possible, and include the provision of support for their families, with the goal of avoiding future challenges and strengthening connections with their existing community of support. Efforts should be made to identify those who are at risk of educational disengagement, family breakdown, connection to child welfare and related systems, involvement in the criminal justice system, and use of crisis response systems.
4. Family-centered interventions
Support systems should encourage the participation of young people's families (however young people define them), help strengthen those families and explicitly focus on supporting young parents and their children from the beginning of pregnancy.
5. Youth choice and self-determination
Systems supporting youth should be co-designed by youth to offer the maximum amount of choices - including in housing options, support interventions, and opportunities to engage in training, education, employment, and leadership, all without judgement. Service providers should work to ensure that seeking support is in itself an affirming, supportive, low-risk act.
6. Support for Indigenous youth
A commitment to reconciliation means a commitment to Indigenous youth. Indigenous young people face a challenging landscape of intergenerational trauma and discrimination. Systems supporting youth must recognize this and support the strengthening of connections to culture, to the land, and to the community for Indigenous youth, while recognizing the diversity of Indigenous cultures and experiences. This work must be led by indigenous organizations and communities, whose ways of working and knowing provide important lessons for all, and particularly for service providers.
7. Support for LGBT2SQIA+ youth
Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Transgener, Two-Spirited, Intersex, and Asexual (LGBT2SQIA+) youth face much higher risks of family breakdown, homelessness, and violence, and require targeted supports. These supports must recognize how different kinds of marginalization intersect. They must also include education for service providers and communities and engage peers, schools, and families in the struggle against discrimination against this population.
8. Harm reduction
Services for youth and emerging adults should be designed to meet them where they are at, regardless of behaviour or the choices they are able to make at any given time (e.g. addictions, mental health challenges, criminal-justice involvement, attendance, etc.). Instead, they must be provided with the resources and tools they need to attain maximum safety in their current circumstance as well as being offered additional support aimed at long-term stability and growth. Service providers must focus on the training and support needed to make their staff champions of this approach in this community, and on providing diverse service options that still offer youth choice.
9. Integrated services (integrated models of care) and coordinated access
Closer integration, prioritization, and information-sharing between programs, organizations, and systems should be an explicit goal of all youth service providers, and should extend to a broad network of organizations that includes all levels of government, community organizations, and the private sector. This includes low-barrier and province-wide coordinated access to a wide range of support services, as well as physical co-location of youth supports.
10. Targeted supports for the most vulnerable youth
The most vulnerable youth (those facing multiple, overlapping barriers related to addictions, mental health, family breakdown, and involvement with the justice system) often have the most limited access to resources and can be very difficult to engage. Targeting engagement and supports towards these youth, particularly supports focused on prevention, helps avoid lifelong impacts and system involvements and should be a priority for youth-serving organizations. When services are not accessible, service providers must work to provide alternative options.
11. Trauma-informed practice
Supports and organizational practices should be designed to recognize that many young people seeking support have experienced one or more types of trauma, and to acknowledge the distinct impacts of intergenerational trauma. Practice should be informed by principles of safety, choice, collaboration, trustworthiness, and empowerment . Service providers should always be seeking education on the impacts of trauma and how to respond to them so as to provide trusting and nonjudgmental spaces for youth.
12. Support for youth and emerging adults with disabilities
Youth and emerging adults with disabilities have equal rights to support and to opportunities to thrive. Service providers must identify ways to make programs more inclusive and to provide targeted supports where needed.
13. Recognizing intersectionality
While providing targeted support is important, it is also important to recognize that many young people and emerging adults live at the intersection of multiple identities, strengths, and risks and should not need to self-identify within one particular group to receive support.
14. Celebrating successes and strengths
Service providers should make every effort to identify and celebrate the many ways in which each young person has strengths, achieves successes (however small), and how they can be a support to their peers.
By acting together, we are building a brighter future.
Add your voice to the list of individuals and organizations supporting this work.
Blake Sheppard-Pardy
Charles J. Andrew Youth and Family Treatment Center
April Andersen
Charles J. Andrew Youth and Family Treatment Centre
April Andrews
Charles J. Andrew Youth and Family Treatment Center
Patricia Kemuksigak
Charles J. Andrew Youth and Family Treatment Center
Blake Sheppard Pardy
Charles J. Andrew Youth and Family Treatment Center
Pauletta Tremblett
Charles J. Andrew Youth and Family Treatment Center
Jackie Lake-Kavanaugh
Office of the Child and Youth Advocate
Wilma MacInnis
Office of the Child and Youth Advocate
Will White
Youth Centres Canada, Grand Falls-Windsor
Karen Young
Aunt Jean's Place, Stephenville
Lisa Browne
Stella's Circle
Jill Peckford
Stella's Circle
Stephen Gaetz
Canadian Observatory on Homelessness, York University
Paul Rowe
Catherine Donnelly Foundation
Angela Picco
Choices for Youth
Kris Kelly
Choices for Youth
Jeannie Piercey
Choices for Youth
Sheldon Pollett
Choices for Youth
Ayon Shahed
Choices for Youth
Joshua Smee
Choices for Youth
Board of Directors
Choices for Youth
Susan Rose
Egale Canada
Scott Hudson
Nunatsiavut Government
Kaila de Boer
Nunatsiavut Government
Odelle Pike
People of the Dawn Indigenous Friendship Centre/ Newfoundland Aboriginal Womens Network
Jennifer Elson
Labrador Friendship Centre
Alicia Neville
Labrador Friendship Centre
Jennifer Hefler-Elson
Labrador Friendship Centre
Chris Sheppard
St. John’s Native Friendship Centre
Crystal Cater
Homelessness Partnership Strategy, Grand Falls-Windsor
Stephanie Battcock
Newfoundland and Labrador Housing Corporation, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
Colin Hipditch
Newfoundland and Labrador Housing Corporation, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
Joan Brown
Housing Supports Office, Marystown
Shirley Coady
Housing Homeless Network, Marystown
Katie Wells
Town of Happy Valley - Goose Bay
Karen Beresford
Exploits Valley Community Coalition
Gail Thorne
Exploits Community Centre
MaryAnn Spearing
Community Mental Health Initiative, Corner Brook
Steve Gaulton
Community Mental Health Initiative, Corner Brook
Jade Kearley
Community Mental Health Initiative, Corner Brook
Janice KennedyBay St. George Status of Women Council, Corner Brook
Bernice Penashue
Innu Round Table Secretariat
Kylie Rose
Innu Round Table Secretariat
Miriam Lyall
Ken Mesher
Elizabeth Penashue
Steve Mathias
Foundry, British Columbia
Terrilee Kelford
Cornerstone Landing Youth Services, Ontario
Kimberly Beers
Department of Children, Seniors and Social Development, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
Amanda Winsor
Department of Children, Seniors and Social Development, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
Denise Rumboldt
NunatuKavut Community Council
Frankie Leonard
Premier's Youth Council
Desiree Wolfrey
Rigolet Safe House, Rigolet
Helen Whalen
SPLASH Centre, Harbour Grace
Maggie Snow
SPLASH Centre, Harbour Grace
Kerri Randell
Central Housing and Homelessness Network
Cyril Tobin
Newfoundland & Labrador Housing & Homelessness Network
Dan Goodyear
Canadian Mental Health Association NL
Bruce Pearce
End Homelessness St. John's
Courtney Slaney
Community Youth Network, Gander
Chelsea Barbour
Community Youth Network, Nain
Mary Barter
Community Youth Network, Southwest NL
Jennifer Bennett
Community Youth Network, Placentia
Lisa Buckland
Community Youth Network, Corner Brook
Marie Bungay
Community Youth Network, Harbour Breton
Deidre Clarke
Community Youth Network, Springdale
Sara Dyson
Community Youth Network, Hopedale
Debbie Forsey
Community Youth Network, Grand Bank
Colleen Hayter
Community Youth Network, Botwood
Paulette Isaacs
Community Youth Network, St. Lawrence
Amy Ivany
Community Youth Network, Baie Verte
Vanessa Lee
Community Youth Network, Southwest NL
Robert Moran
Community Youth Network, Cape Broyle
Cailin Pardy
Community Youth Network, Cartwright
Sharon Price
Community Youth Network, Summerford
Carmella Rose
Community Youth Network, St. Anthony
Lisa Ryland
Community Youth Network, Southern Labrador
April Skinner
Community Youth Network, Grand Falls-Windsor
Pam Stevens
Community Youth Network, Bonavista
Nancy Baines Toope
Community Youth Network, Plum Point
Krystle White
Community Youth Network, Port aux Basques
Lisa Willcott
Community Youth Network, St. Albans
Roseanne Leonard
NL Association of CBDCs
Christine Young
YMCA of Western NL, Corner Brook
Shaun Obed
Youth Delegate
Nicole Seymour
Youth Delegate
Nick Ings
Youth Delegate
Jobie Lidd
Youth Delegate
Patrick Hickey
Youth Delegate
Cody Byrne
Youth Delegate
AJ Clarke
Youth Delegate
Brittany Stockley
Youth Delegate
Donovan Taplin
The Prime Minister's Youth Council
Bernice Hancock
Community Education Network, Stephenville
Michelle Power
Community Education Network, Stephenville
Lynette Collins
Mariner Resources Opportunities Network
Dale Mayne
Mariner Resources Opportunities Network
David French
A Way Home Canada
Melanie Redman
A Way Home Canada
Tonia Pilgrim
Labrador-Grenfell Health
Danette Hicks
Salvation Army Community and Family Services, Gander
Roxana Green
Community Youth Network, Clarenville and Area
Angela Crockwell
Community Youth Network, St. John's
Nicole Keiley
NL Sexual Assault Crisis and Prevention Centre
Kevin O'Shea
Public Legal Information Association of NL
Carolann Harding
SmartICE Inc.
Mike Kearley
Vine Place Community Centre, Corner Brook
Robyn LeGrow
Jimmy Pratt Foundation
Cindy Murphy
John Howard Society
Wendolyn Schlamp
YWCA St. John’s
Vickie Budgell-Chippett
ACE Neighbourhood Centre, Bishop’s Falls
Gary Noftle
Boys and Girls Club, Buchans
Ashley Ivany
Boys and Girls Club, Botwood
Jane Henderson
Boys and Girls Club of St. John's
Paula Sheppard Thibeau
Corner Brook Status of Women Council, Mount Moriah
Rob Higgs
Lake Melville Youth Centre Steering Committee, Goose Bay
Tracey Coady
Regional Action Committee on Housing (REACH), Clarenville
Emile Cabot
Social Change Network, Grand Falls-Windsor
Jackie Thompson
Status of Women Central, Grand Falls-Windsor
AnnMarie Connors
Transition House, Gander
Heather Davis
Transition House, Corner Brook
Nicole Dicker
Transition House, Nain
Teena Flowers
Transition House, Hopedale
Michelle Greene
Transition House, St. John’s
Jessica Keating
Transition House, Happy Valley - Goose Bay
Nicole Northcott
Transition House, Labrador City
Lisa Slaney
Transition House, Marystown
Dan Meades
Transition House Association of NL, St. John’s